No worries. You don't want fidgety, distractable, Twitter readers anyway. Oh, some of them may be thoughtful, and may have valuable insights. But the medium itself brings out the shallow, knee-jerk side we all have, and mainly suppress.
It's great to see Substack fill a role that Twitter can't fit and also help revitalize blogging. Glad to have many great thinkers on this platform like you and hope your community keeps growing!
No worries. You don't want fidgety, distractable, Twitter readers anyway. Oh, some of them may be thoughtful, and may have valuable insights. But the medium itself brings out the shallow, knee-jerk side we all have, and mainly suppress.
It's great to see Substack fill a role that Twitter can't fit and also help revitalize blogging. Glad to have many great thinkers on this platform like you and hope your community keeps growing!